Why Every Kid Should Learn Improv
The lessons of improvisational (spontaneous comedy/theatre) will teach your child skills to live a happy, successful, and joyful life! When they improvise, they are making things up on the spot, usually with other improvisers. Improvisation skills have many benefits and they are easy to acquire. In our classes at ClasShare.com, your child could potentially learn these extremely important life skills:
- Think creatively
- Think quickly on their feet
- Clearly communicate their ideas (verbally and nonverbally)
- Collaborate or work with others
- Speak confidently in front of a group of strangers
However, it goes well beyond that! Basic improv rules, lessons, and techniques have far-reaching impacts on students.
Improv Lesson: Say “Yes!” teaches your child to be more…
- Creative
- Successful
- Open
- Joyful
- Popular
Improvisers are trained early to “Yes, and.” This simply means that they accept whatever is said or done on stage as reality, and then add to it in some way. Improv only works well when people say “Yes” to what’s happening. It’s unstoppable, creative energy. Same in real life.
“Yes” is about accepting what IS. Not what they think SHOULD be. In other words, t doesn’t mean that they necessarily condone or agree with what’s happening or being said, but that they are open to the reality of it.
The power of “Yes” is constructive, inclusive, long-term, open and joyful. “No” has a destructive, exclusive, short-term and stress-filled energy. People who have a “Yes” attitude are much more creative and successful, not to mention more fun to be around.
Improv Lesson: Be Present teaches your child to be more…
- Observant
- Appropriate in their Reactions
- Able to Respond More Quickly
- Emotionally Stable
If your child is in a scene but worried about what they just did or planning out what they’re going to do, then they’re missing what’s going on, and the scene suffers. Improvisers practice being present every time they are on stage, and quickly learn that the scenes are better and more fun when they are present. And great for meeting the benefits of improvisation skills.
Just like people are in the habit of saying “No” instead of ”Yes,” people also are in the habit of spending most of their consciousness in the past or future. It’s scientifically proven that being mindful in the present moment makes you more observant and able to respond appropriately. And less tossed around by your emotions.
Improv Lesson: Everything is a Gift teaches your child to be more…
- Resilient
- Open to Ideas
- Imaginative
- Curious
No matter what someone says or does in an improv scene, it is a wonderful gift. Even the worst mistake can take you in amazing directions. Judging someone’s offer as bad distances you from other players, and hurts the scene.
Even the most tragic things in life are lessons – opportunities to grow and become better. For instance, so many incredible inventions and discoveries came from mistakes that a person was open to seeing what else could come from it.
Improv Lesson: Lighten Up teaches your child to be more
- Relaxed Physically
- Relaxed Mentally
- Playful
- Flexible to Change
In conclusion, improv and acting classes allows children to be themselves, and relax mentally and physically to allow energy to flow.
These are just some of the wonderful life skills that improv teaches. Plus it’s a ton of fun!